For me, it's really about you.

For me, it's really about you.
There's only one of me, but there are several of you I've loved and keep nearby.

About Me

Three real stories. Three women. Each with a burning desire to discover something strange and unknown. Controversial in theme and content, the reader becomes involved in their journeys- from seek to find! Coming -- fall of 2013!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Not Just Any Place & Time

“The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” Psalm 24

Some autumn mornings, I still hear those voices floating through the fields. Familiar songs launching from the prayerful throats of newly surrendered saints. I see them. Copper- fleshed spirits in the sun. I smell old summer’s breath from dying corn rows and dry soil resins.  I peek and there they are! Coming and going through the old rustic barn that castled a select brethren. Each face is still young as if time never escaped us. Before trouble could snake its way into our joy and rob us of what had been given us for a future time. Before we knew that this was an appointment with the Most High God whose nurturing would complete our youth and prepare us for the joys and terror that find us. Prophecy for a later fulfillment.  We were considered crazy, but equally interesting.  Heretical, but forthcoming!

       It was the early days of Jesus folk and this collection of people was a unique mix.
Hippies with a new mission. Barefoot rebels against the religious system, willing to be changed at the risk of looking strange, far out. Fools for Christ. What looked like blind faith was indeed, an unorthodox means of walking on the water and stepping up the first rung toward our eternity. Newly called by the ancient Holy Spirit, the hovering Sword cut through the rough husk of careless sinners, preparing a tablescape for us,  the Lord’s  newborns. From this haunting memory, I saw a fuller picture of how precious it all was.  An unthinkable kind of Amish-like genre was born. We worshiped, befriending all creeds, cultures and  colors. Men took a stand to preach on God’s behalf. Rocking chairs creaked on rotting wood floors while women collectively breast-fed their babies.  It was pleasureable and disconcerting- a blend of favor and rebuke.

           This was “ Light of the World Fellowship”.  A place to begin, grow in and apart from and back again.  A spiritual sobriety of hand-picked spouses who would be grateful for one more name on the church’s cornerstone.

Ecclesiastes 4:10 

“If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"