For me, it's really about you.

For me, it's really about you.
There's only one of me, but there are several of you I've loved and keep nearby.

About Me

Three real stories. Three women. Each with a burning desire to discover something strange and unknown. Controversial in theme and content, the reader becomes involved in their journeys- from seek to find! Coming -- fall of 2013!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


From jasmine to jonquil
sleep-blessed in night's oil,
all prompt floral fireworks
sprung forth from the soil.

Let memories collect them
like summer-spent hearts
remembering kisses
that August imparts. 

Each woody wind whispers
whose feet trod passed love
then trampled its essence
below and above.

But once Solar offspring's
exposed by day bell,

 beguiled, autumn's left
with things mums dare not tell!

"Memories are ornaments, flowers on the evergreen,fragrant cones emitting secretsonly God knows."

© M.Dianne Berry 2012

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